Tamar Gabisonia
Committee Chairperson
Lawyer, International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network’s (ILAW Network) regional coordinator for Europe and Central Asia.
Since 2019 as an invited lecturer she teaches labour law in the European University.
Tamar Gabisonia graduated from Tbilisi State University with a law degree. In 2015 she obtained master’s degree in International Human Rights Law from University of Essex, the UK. She works for Georgian Trade Unions Confederation as a lawyer. She is a member of Georgian Bar Association and recently has been appointed as a chairperson of the GBA labour rights committee.
Over the past 15 years Tamar has been working on human rights issues, she worked for Georgian NGO ‘Article 42 of the Constitution’ as an Executive Director, human rights lawyer, trainer, project manager, researcher. In 2014 she was elected as a chairperson of Human Rights House – Tbilisi. Some of her accomplishments include being invited as a human rights expert in different organizations. In 2015-2020 Tamar worked as a lawyer for Georgian Trade Unions Confederation. From 2021 Tamar has been working for the US Solidarity Center as a regional coordinator of the International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network for Europe and Central Asia.
Since 2019 as an invited lecturer she teaches labour law in the European University.
Tamar’s human rights work is not limited to Georgia, she participated in various human rights programmes in different countries, she has an experience to work for international NGOs in the UK and US. Tamar has experience litigating cases before the European Court of Human Rights. She is co-author of brochures and has done researches related to the various human rights issues. She is certified trainer on anti-discrimination issues and European social charter and provided trainings on different human rights topics.