David Asatiani has been elected as the President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL

17 June 2024

David Asatiani has been elected as the President of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL). The elections took place on June 13.

This marks the first precedent in the history of professional associations of lawyers in Europe, when the President of the organization is from a non-EU country.

David Asatiani is currently serving his second term as President of the Georgian Bar Association, a position he was re-elected to by the general assembly's annual meeting. Additionally, in 2021, he was also appointed as the vice-president of the European Association of Lawyers.

Expressing his gratitude, Asatiani stated, "I thank my European colleagues for their trust. Being elected President of the European Association of Lawyers is a great honor and responsibility. It signifies recognition of the Georgian Bar Association's independence, development, and adherence to European standards, and it demonstrates clear support for us.

As President, my main priority will remain to strengthen the legal profession across Europe and to increase international support for lawyers and bar associations in transitional democracies, aiming for their further integration into the European legal profession family.

Also, I would like to thank the former president of the European Bar Association, Maria Slzak, who has made great contributions to the strengthening of the legal profession and Bar associations across Europe."

Founded in 1986 by European lawyers in Brussels, the European Association of Lawyers unites lawyers' associations, law offices, and individual lawyers across Europe. Its activities focus on supporting the legal profession in European countries, strengthening lawyers' associations, and establishing the rule of law.

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