With the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program, another working meeting of the Justice Coordinating Council (Bench-Bar) was held on the topic: Children's rights - issues of separation and representation. The meeting was opened by the chairman of the Bar Association, Davit Asatiani, the judge of the Civil Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Thea Dzimistarashvili, and the head of the USAID Rule of Law Program, Giorgi Chkheidze.
In a round table format, judges, lawyers, representatives of the legal aid service and the state care and assistance agency for victims of trafficking discussed the legal practice and existing challenges related to children's rights.
In relation to the challenges discussed at the session, the participants agreed on the main guiding principles and developed recommendations, which will be sent to the Steering Committee of the Justice Coordination Council for further discussion and distribution. The Bar Association will distribute the developed recommendations to the interested members in the near future.
The purpose of the Justice Coordinating Council (Bench-Bar) is to promote the development of uniform judicial practice, strengthening of the legal profession, mutual respect between professions, establishment of a healthy collegial attitude and common ethical principles in Georgia.
Bench Bar on the topic of children's rights