March 14, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea, held in Declaration Peace and Cessation of War a grand
ceremony. The declaration calls on all states to stop the war in full. Declaration of gaining wider support
for the leaders of the various side. Must end the scourge of conflicts and generating wars. Peace and
war termination declaration signed and executed must be in all the states. The main aim of the
declaration of the mechanisms of international law enforcing the declaration of initiation of proceedings
to avoid all kinds of world war and the military conflict.
The key issues of the declaration:
1) Use of force and threats;
2) To reduce the possibility of war;
3) The prohibition of aggression;
4) Freedom of religion and religious conflict resolution;
5) To spread peace culture and education.
The declaration will be enforced wars and military conflicts and completion of the new hot spots to
prevent the emergence of cost-effective tool, which will bring peace to the regions where the war and
blood is shed.Peace and war termination declaration can express support.
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