Executive Director of the Bar Association held various important meetings in Strasbourg

5 July 2022

During the General Assembly of the European Young Lawyers Association (EYBA), Giorgi Tshekhani officially presented the proposal to hold the EYBA European Young Lawyers Annual Conference in Georgia. T... More

The chess team of the Bar Association defeated the Azerbaijan team again

1 July 2022

The chess team of the Bar Association defeated the Azerbaijan Bar Association team with a score of 8:4 and became the winner of the tournament for the second time. More

The Justice and Judicial Reform Committee presented a one-year action plan

16 June 2022

The Justice and Judicial Reform Committee of the Georgian Bar Association presented the action plan for 2022-2023 and the report of the activities performed. More

The Chairman of the Bar Association appeals to the President of the European Commission to support Georgia's application for the EU membership candidate status

15 June 2022

  The Chairman of the Bar Association appeals to the President of the European Commission to support Georgia's application for the EU membership candidate status. More

The electronic booking portal for visits to the N8 penitentiary institution for lawyers is operational!

14 June 2022

Davit Asatiani, the chairman of the Georgian Bar Association and Rati Bregadze, the Minister of Justice, got acquainted with the work process of the electronic reservation portal for a lawyer's vi... More

Information on joining the NYSBA

2 June 2022

Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation signed between the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) and the Georgia Bar Association, a Georgia sub-section was established in the NYSBA Inte... More

Legislative changes to strengthen advocacy

29 May 2022

The package of changes to be introduced in the legislative acts regulating the professional activity of lawyers was discussed in the format of a working meeting with the members of the Legal Affairs C... More

A meeting of the Labor Law Committee

27 May 2022

Labor Law and Legal Aspects of Its Implementation - A working meeting was held on this topic, which was attended by members of the Executive Board of the Bar Association and the Labor Law Committee. More

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