Irakli Kandashvili
Specialization: CivilService area: Civil Law
Address: Nutsubidze street 14B, Tbilisi
Phone: 599175075
Languages: English; German; French; Russian
Email: iraklikandashvili@gmail.com; irakli_legalgeorgia@yahoo.com
About Lawyer:
Member of the Executive Board since 2019 Professor, Doctor of Law, LL.M. / Masters’ degree from Chicago Kent College of law (Chicago / USA), Bachelor’s degree at Business Administration. First Chairman at LELP ”Mediators Association of Georgia” since 2019. Since 2007 Irakli Kandashvili is engaged in pedagogical activities, he is a trainer at ABA (American Bar Association) in Georgia, expert of UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) and ILO / UN (International Labor Organization), accredited Mediator at CEDR (Center of Effective Dispute Resolution / London) since 2012; Since 2012 - mediator at Tbilisi City Court Mediation Center. Since 2019 - accredited Mediator at International Labor Organization (ILO / UN-International Labor Organization). Professional experience: Irakli Kandashvili has been practicing law since 2004; Founder, board member and director of Georgian “Advocates for Independent Profession” 2009-2012, director of the “Advocates Professional Development Center” 2009-2012; Founder and member of the board of the “Association of Court Mediators” since 2012, Since 2014 - collective labor disputes mediator (the first collective labor dispute mediator in Georgia); Managing partner at the law firm "K&K Consulting" since 2013 and member of the Executive Board of the LELP “Georgian Bar Association” (till 2022) and chairman of the Education Council; Irakli Kandashvili is a full member of the IBA (International Bar Association), member of the Education Committee of the CCBE (Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe) and Focal of the HELP (Human Rights Education Program for Legal Professionals / Council of Europe) Point in Georgia, Secretary General at the Academy of American and International Law (2006/2007-Dallas / Texas), Intern in the Berlin and Brussels offices of the German Bar Association (2008). Irakli Kandashvili is a co-author of the Georgian Law on Mediation, a participant in about 30 scientific conferences, the author of 3 monographs and up to 50 scientific articles in the field of law in Georgian, Russian, Ukrainian, English and German. Working languages: Georgian, English, Russian, German.
პროფილში განთავსებული ინფორმაციის სიზუსტეზე პასუხისმგებელია პროფილის შემქმნელი ადვოკატი